10 DAYS - Episode 11

Captain Attah Nameless girl isn’t in the sitting room watching Telemundo, neither is she in the bedroom or any of the other rooms. I search the kitchen and all the closets and still don’t find her. I go out back in search of her and more than think of screaming her name, but there’s just no name to scream. I sigh and get back into the house. I check the wardrobe where all of her clothes had been neatly folded. They’re gone. I glance at the bedside stool where she’d left her handbag. That too is gone. “Now what the heck is this?” You don’t get to change girls like baby diapers and expect not to encounter an evil spirit. “SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Well, every day, they say, is for the thief and one day for the owner of the house? “Who is the thief and who’s the owner of this house, huh?” It makes no sense speaking to oneself so I shut up, moreover, all the questions feel like fucking rhetoric. I don’t even need the small voice in my head, which has been restless as of late, to...