10 DAYS - Episode 3

Yipee! It's a new year for us. I'm glad I still have all of you with me. We'll have such a pleasant ride together this year. Happy New year. Enjoy this new year post. Juliana Nkemdiri A lot of people refute the idea of love at first sight, I’m not one of such people. Anyway, it depends on your definition of love at first sight. You catch a glimpse of someone drifting by, probably with his folks beside him, and you expect to love the fellow at once? No way, sister. Love at first sight is what you feel the very first time you share the same space with him. His smile, his frown, his gestures, his comportment, his scent, his words, and even way down to his fart. Did you love these things instantly? Yes, I did with Butch, and I have Captain to thank. Very few people knew Butch in secondary school until he was made the dining prefect. That was one post that suited him well. Butch was steadfast with his belly demands, and his belly always demanded the school dining...