When I set out for work this morning, I was only thinking of the end of the day. Opus Dei taught me that work is not a curse. That we glorify God when we work diligently and cheerfully, loving that which we find ourselves doing. As much as I agree with this theory, I hate my work. What joy is a man supposed to derive staring at numbers on white screen, sorting out errors and fixing numbers to balance a bigger number? If you've ever heard that life is a Jigsaw puzzle, that's my life.
End of the day holds no joy, but so long as it's an escape from numbers, it's a welcome. The Sales Manager of Consumpton PLC, Mr Clinton, is sitting across the office in an opposite chair. The monitor hides my face and I consider it a blessing because I am royally pissed. I can control the emotion from pouring out through my voice but not from my face.
"Sir, the transaction you're talking about, what date did it occur?" Mr Clinton, asks.
"It took place on Fr...